Friday, 5 December 2014

Donate Blankets For Babies

You can donate blankets for babies in need around the world.

When your little ones outgrow their baby blankets, consider donating them instead of throwing them out. For blankets with minor wear and tear, you can donate them to homeless families, teen mothers and orphans overseas. In addition, you can donate blankets you purchase or make for families in need all over the world. There are several charitable organizations that accept baby supplies. These organizations include the Salvation Army, Project Night Night and the Red Cross.


1. Wash used blankets. Purchase new blankets if you choose. If you plan on donating to more than one organization, organize the baby blankets into boxes for each charity.

2. Donate baby blankets to Project Night Night. This nonprofit organization provides packages of supplies to babies and young children at shelters all over the United States. They accept used, handmade and new blankets. They accept store gift cards, if you want the organization to purchase the blankets themselves. Drop-off locations are in Ohio, Michigan, Florida and California.

3. Contact the Salvation Army and ask a representative if one of their local stores is in need of baby blankets. They may be willing to pick up the baby blankets from your house.

4. Contact the Red Cross to donate baby blankets overseas. Often, orphans are in need of baby supplies after natural disasters.

5. Research local programs that accept baby supplies. Consider programs such as Insights Teen Parent Program in Oregon, The National Center for Children and Families in Maryland or A Woman's Choice in Virgina.

6. Call local health and social service agencies, parenting programs, shelters, churches and day cares in your area to see if they are in need of baby blankets. Many local churches and groups organize monthly donation drives.

Tags: baby blankets, baby supplies, need baby, accept baby, accept baby supplies, blankets They, donate blankets