Get Tons of Unique Business Ideas
Sometimes people are cut out to be business owners. Not all of them actually try it. Some of them are scared a business will fail or not make enough money at first to get them through until it becomes a success. Some do try, but they fail because their ideas were copycats or were poorly thought out. Many unique opportunities exist for business owners.
Catalog Skills
1. Make a list of things you already know do.
2. Go to the library and look at books on those skills.
3. Look for your hobbies that could become businesses.
Do a Survey
4. Ask friends, family and neighbors what businesses they wish existed and which businesses they wished had competition so they could have better selection, knowledge or prices.
5. Let them know you are thinking about starting a business and ask them to help you come up with ideas.
6. Look on bulletin boards at stores and businesses to see what other people are doing for extra money. These could be cultivated into businesses.
7. Think about things you would like to learn more about. You could learn a new skill and turn it into a business.
8. Write down anything you can think of doing.
9. Visit the library again. This time, check out books on home-based businesses and business ideas.
10. Check out books on saving money and any books on topics you already like. There could be ways to turn those topics into businesses.
Tags: Business Ideas, business owners, businesses they, into businesses, Tons Unique