Wild mustangs are rounded up every year.
A persuasive speech is a speech that works to convince someone to believe the same thing you do and even to take action on the issue, in some cases. Controversial topics tend to make for the best persuasive speeches because they provide you with plenty of opportunities to discuss important issues with your topic. In the horse industry, there are several issues you can discuss to give a compelling persuasive speech.
BLM Roundups
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) rounds up hundreds of wild Mustangs every year and sells them to the public. This is done to thin the herds, but there has been a significant amount of debate about how the Mustangs are rounded up and the BLM's reasoning for the roundups. You could make a persuasive argument either for or against the roundups, depending on your own views of the topic.
Horse Abuse
Animal abuse is always a hot topic for discussion, but most people are referring to domestic animals. However, the abuse and neglect of horses may be more common than you think. You can make a persuasive speech on why horse abuse and neglect should stop as well as what local communities can do to support horse rescue organizations or possible ways to prevent abuse from occurring.
Horse Slaughter
Hundreds of horses in the United States are sold for slaughter and killed every year for their meat. While horse meat is not commonly found in the United States, it is considered a delicacy in other parts of the world. You could perform a persuasive speech either arguing for the stop of horse slaughter or discussing the questionable and sometimes cruel methods used to kill horses for slaughter.
Horse Breeding
There is a surplus of horses available and in need of good homes in the United States. One of the reasons for this is that people continue to breed horses even though a number of poorly bred horses end up abused or even sold for slaughter due to a lack of training or available homes. A persuasive argument can be made for adopting a BLM horse or another already-existing foal rather than breeding a new one.
Tags: persuasive speech, every year, United States, abuse neglect, make persuasive, persuasive argument