While there are many places where you can post ads online for free, one of the most effective places is Craigslist. According to Alexa.com, Craigslist gets over 20 billion page views per month, making it one of the most used sites in the world. If you are looking to promote your business, sell an item, organize a group or even find a date, posting ads for free will save you money and hopefully get you the desired result.
1. Open an Internet connection, and go to Craigslist. Choose the city that you would like to post your ad in. If you do not live in a city on the list, choose the one nearest you.
2. Locate the category that you would like to post in. Select the category and in the upper right-hand corner of the page click on "post."
3. Click on the words "log in to your account" on the upper right corner. Put in your e-mail address and password, or click on "Apply for Account." To set up a new account, all that is required is a valid e-mail address and phone number.
4. Create your ad with an intriguing title and a description that tells your audience exactly what it is you are offering. Using pictures and listing your phone number will result in a higher percentage of inquiries.
5. Review your ad to make sure that the information, spelling and grammar are correct. If you are satisfied with your ad, click on "continue," and you will be taken to a final page that will allow you to edit or approve your free ad.
Tags: e-mail address, like post, phone number, that would, that would like