Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Become A Pet Rescuer

Animal shelters need more pet rescuers.

Unfortunately there is no shortage of dogs, cats, rabbits or even parrots, lizards and snakes that are in need of rescuing. Becoming a pet rescuer will help fill a need in the community and give some pets a chance for a new life. However, pet rescue work is also physically, emotionally and financially draining. Starting out as a pet rescuer with established organizations will give you the experience you want but with the support of others working toward the same goals.


1. Contact a local nonprofit pet rescue organization and sign up to be a volunteer. Choose an organization that takes in the type of pet that most interests you. Most pet rescue organizations are volunteer based and will have several opportunities for you such as fostering pets, fundraising or helping with public adoption events. Petfinder has a list of pet rescues located around the country.

2. Visit your local animal shelter and ask to become a volunteer or apply for an entry-level paid position. Volunteers and kennel attendants at animal shelters help in the daily care of rescued pets. Some shelters also have volunteer foster care programs where you can take pets into your home until they become adopted.

3. Start your own nonprofit pet rescue organization. Once you have experience as a pet rescuer working with established organizations, you may want to start your own organization to fill a need. To do this you will need to establish your organization as a nonprofit 501(c)(3), develop a board to govern the organization, raise funds, and establish a volunteer based. The connections you made in the community working with other nonprofit pet rescues and animal shelters will help you establish your own pet rescue.

Tags: establish your, established organizations, fill need, nonprofit rescue, nonprofit rescue organization, rescue organization