Virtual pets are pets that exist in an electronic form. These pets can be dogs, cats, or a variety of other animals, and offer some of the benefits of a real pet without the costs. If you'd like to have your own virtual pet, there are several websites that allow you to create or choose a pet you like and care for it. They are free to use and here's something else to keep in mind --- your virtual pets won't make a real-life mess.
1. Sign up for Neopets. Neopets lets you choose from a multitude of different pets and adds a community aspect to the experience --- you can play games with or against others using your virtual pet. Winning games earns you virtual currency, which you can use to buy upgrades for your Neopet.
2. Register for AdoptMe. You can create a pet, such as a dog, cat or horse, which you can feed and care for online. Your pet will also have a profile page and blog created on its behalf, which you can update to your liking. AdoptMe also includes some community features, allowing you to join groups, chat with other pets and more.
3. Join FooPets. The difference between FooPets and the previous two options is the amount of realism you'll see in the pet you create. A FooPet exists in a 3D window where it can walk around and play. Using your mouse, you can rub your pet's head and see it respond happily. Your pet can also meow or bark, so make sure to adjust your volume accordingly.
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