Monday, 1 June 2015

The Frequency For Dog Bathing

Bathing your dog too often can dry out his skin.

Bathing your dog will help keep his fur and skin healthy and clean. The frequency of your dog's baths depends on how active and messy he is. Bathing your dog too often will wash away the natural oils in his skin and may cause irritation and itching. Most dogs only need to be bathed once every three months. When giving your dog a bath, use a shampoo formulated for dogs or use a gentle baby shampoo. Combing his fur with a wide-toothed comb before a bath will prevent knots and clumps, if he is a long-haired breed.

The Dog Is Dirty

If you have a messy, active dog, don't wait three months to bathe him. Bathe your dog whenever he gets dirty from mud, dirt, food or anything else he might have rolled around in. Bathe him whenever he takes a swim in a river, pond, lake or the ocean as well. His coat can pick up bacteria, salt from the ocean or the smell of stagnant water. Another time to bathe your dog is when he gets sprayed by a skunk or stink bug. Although the odor will eventually wear off on its own, it will continue to smell until you wash it off.

Mites, Lice and Fleas

Bathing your dog is one of the most effective ways to rid him of fleas, lice or mites. Signs that your dog may have these parasites; include frequent itching, scratching or biting at his skin. Examine his fur or skin closely for the presence of these parasites before bathing him in a shampoo formulated for fleas and ticks. Combing the dog's fur with a flea comb may be necessary to remove any lingering fleas. Bathe your dog every two weeks with the flea and tick shampoo, until the parasites are gone.

Natural Dog Odor

Dogs produce secretions from glands found in their skin, on the pads of their feet, near their anus and around their ears, according to These secretions have an odor that helps other dogs and animals identify them as dogs. Micro-organisms living on the pads of their feet also contribute to the dog's natural smell. Bathing your dog once every three months, or whenever he begins to smell, should control the smell.

Skin Conditions or Allergies

Skin conditions -- such as dandruff -- cause dry, itchy skin that may make your dog uncomfortable and unable to rest. Allergic reactions may also cause your dog's skin to become inflamed, irritated and sore. Bathing your dog in a mild, hypoallergenic shampoo designed for dogs with skin issues will soothe his irritated skin and alleviate his discomfort. Check with your veterinarian to identify the cause of his skin condition and bathe your dog whenever he displays symptoms of his condition.

Tags: Bathing your, three months, Bathe your, bathe your, Bathing your often, Combing with