Monday, 1 June 2015

Train A Dog To Walk Without A Leash

Teaching your dog polite walking off-leash can lead to a more successful experience when you begin his on-leash training. Your dog can learn polite walking without a leash, safely and effectively, making it possible for you to take those enjoyable walks with your friend at your side that you imagine.


1. Put enough small, tasty dog treats in your pocket to last through the practice session.

2. Bring your dog to a safe, enclosed area where there are few, if any, distractions. In addition to safety this will make it easier for her to succeed with the exercise.

3. Position yourself to the left of your dog in the standard heel position. Hold a couple of the treats in your right hand and use them to get your dog's attention.

4. Give your dog a verbal command such as "Let's Go" or "Heel" when you are ready to walk. Use a happy tone of voice so he looks forward to the exercise.

5. Begin your forward movement at the same time you verbally persuade her to continue walking in a polite manner beside you.

6. Mark your dog's success using a clicker and praise and treat him when he is at your side. Call his attention to you verbally if he starts to veer away, lag behind or move ahead. Use your original verbal command and start to walk in the opposite direction calling his attention to persuade him to catch up to you.

7. Practice the exercise with her daily, making it enjoyable and rewarding each time. Gradually make the distance you walk longer and vary the routine by adding some figure eights or a zigzag pattern to keep your dog and yourself from becoming bored. End each session on a positive note so she looks forward to the next experience.

Tags: looks forward, polite walking, treats your, verbal command, your side